Thursday, June 30, 2011


We have added 2 new HYIP programs which are available on our Class `A` hyip page and

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beware from scam and fraud web hosting site

Beware from scam and fraud web hosting site
Scam are not just "let me take your money and run", but also include the time and energy - draining agony surrounding a website that won't work, customer service that is unresponsive or useless, unauthorized "extra" charges, affiliate scam and the like.

In all cases, you lose - whether money or time, or just the ongoing pain of seeing your efforts come to naught - and in all cases you are scammed, in that these web hosts promise you one thing to take your money, but then don't give what they promised.

Stay away from scam hosting
You have Been Forewarned!